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What is HP OV-NNM? OV (OpenView). As a network administrator, you are under increasing pressure toperform the necessary tasks to meet the business demands of yourorganization. One of the challanges is Deploying network services so that end users maintain productivityfrom their desktop systems. The other are Producing faster, more predictable response times and managing multiple sites and global distribution. Clearly, the demands on a network administrator are great. Networkmanagement is now a high-pressure situation where more services arerequested on tight schedules with fewer resources.
How NNM can help? Network Node Manager is the foundation from which most of the HPOpenView products operate. When installed, the other HP OpenViewproducts appear as added functionality within NNM. NNM not onlyfunctions as a solution on its own, but can collect data for, and forward data to, other HP OpenView products. It is the starting point forimplementing a network management solution. For more information see online manual or download free here.

Based on Managing your network documents.

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